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Rakellz Dream Initiative (RDI)

We are a non-profit organization committed to combating cervical cancer in Zambia. Our multi-dimensional approach combines film production, performing arts, and community outreach to raise awareness, educate, and engage. With a focus on rural areas, we strive to reduce the impact of cervical cancer through prevention, screening, and treatment. RDI was founded in response to personal tragedy, emphasizing storytelling through film and performing arts to drive positive change. Cervical cancer is a significant concern in Zambia, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, with high incidence rates. Join us in our mission to empower communities, break the cycle, and make a lasting impact.

Our Mission
People Impacted
Successful Projects
Movie Produced

How We Do It

Our management Plan

Our Cause

We run projects in 3 provinces in Zambia.
We are making an impact in Lusaka, Northern and Central Province.

Film Production

We produce informative and inspiring films that showcase the stories, challenges, and solutions related to cervical cancer. Our films aim to reach a wide audience, spark dialogue, and motivate action. Our award-winning film, “Monarch of Dreams”, is a testament to our passion and creativity.

Performing Arts

We use theatrical productions, art exhibitions, street performances, and other forms of artistic expression to disseminate crucial information, initiate vital conversations, and contribute to the reduction of cervical cancer’s prevalence and impact. Our performances are interactive, engaging, and culturally relevant, appealing to diverse audiences and contexts.

Community Outreach

We conduct workshops, campaigns, and events in collaboration with local health authorities, community leaders, NGOs, artists, schools, and international health organizations. Our outreach activities involve actively involving communities in learning, sharing, and taking action against cervical cancer. We also provide access to screening and treatment services, as well as referrals and follow-ups.



Together we make all the difference

A New Dawn in Chingola

In the heart of Zambia’s Copperbelt Province lies the small mining town of Chingola. Known [...]


Change a life today

Make a positive impact on the lives of people affected by cervical cancer, especially women and girls in rural areas. Help us raise awareness, educate, and engage communities, as well as provide access to screening and treatment services. It doesn’t take much to change a life. Get in touch today and start making a difference.

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